Going Green at Home

Jan 28

Going green at home will not only help the environment, but it will save you money too. At first it can be challenging to change your habits; however, over time these changes will become second nature and knowing that you are doing your part to save the planet as well as saving money will be a big motivational factor in wanting to continue living green.

1. Conserve Energy: Change your light bulbs to energy efficient ones and start unplugging. 15% of an electricity bill comes from devices that are left on standby, but you can now buy various energy saving products which are designed to automatically shut unused devices off, such as the Watts Clever range.

2. Insulate Your Home: Insulation will help to retain the heat in your house and stop it from escaping. Therefore, you’ll use less energy warming your house which should help towards making a huge saving on your bill.

3. Use Less Water: Turn the tap off when you’re shaving or brushing your teeth. Install a dual flush toilet. Spend less time in the shower. Fix your toilet immediately if it is leaking, as toilets broken toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water per day.

4. Drive Less: Use more public transport, walk more, and carpool if you can.

5. Eat Green: Try to have a meatless day every week. The environmental cost of meat is too high as it drains resources like grain, water, and petroleum. Production of meat also contributes to global warming as methane which is a greenhouse gas is released from the flatulent cows.

6. Don’t Use Plastic Bags: Use a paper bag instead. There are endless designs available out there and they can be folded up so they take up a minimal amount of space. To ensure you don’t forget it, leave them in your car or have one in your handbag.

7. Buy Green: Don’t buy bottled water; instead, drink filtered tap water. Buy paper products like toilet paper that are made from recycled paper. Buy concentrated detergent and use less than the recommended amount. Buy glassed drinks rather than cans.

8. Borrow: Borrow books from the library or download them rather than buying them. Don’t buy CDs, download them instead.

9. Upgrade Your Heating System: If you are thinking of remodelling your house, choose heating systems that heat from the floor up instead of pushing down. Replace your kitchen radiator with a plinth heater.

You can take these relatively small steps to start living more green. You don’t have to change your lifestyle overnight, but slowly incorporate these tips into your lifestyle to ensure that they have a lasting effect.

This article was written by Ben Frisby on behalf of Juice Electrical, retailers of electrical supplies and energy saving products. Visit their site to find out more about their products.

Photo Courtesy of skenmy

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