Cut Heating Costs While Staying Warm in Wintertime

Feb 20

Winter is in full swing, which means it’s time for skiing and snowball fights; but when the weather outside is frightful, it also means frigid nights and increased heating costs. You shouldn’t have to pay an arm and a leg to keep your family warm this winter. There are many inexpensive ways to cut back on your energy costs, and you don’t have to be a professional to do them.

Read the following DIY tips to find out how to keep your home toasty warm and energy efficient all season long:

  • Replace old weather stripping. Thanks to wear and tear, your weather stripping typically needs to be replaced every year. The good news is it’s a simple task that you can do yourself by pulling off the old and tacking on the new. Older weather stripping can sometimes create drafts around windows and doors in your home. If you notice light peeking out from underneath the door, you are losing air. Check all areas of your home, including the entranceway to your attic if you have one.
  • Take advantage of space heaters. For areas that your family usually gathers, use a space heater and turn down the furnace. The rest of the house will be cooler, but you don’t need to heat empty rooms. You’ll use a little more electric running the space heater, but it will be insignificant compared to the savings on your heating bills.
  • Beware of air escaping through your chimney. Everyone loves a blazing fire during winter. Many homes are built with wood or gas burning fireplaces, which are great for heating homes; but when they are not in use, warm air can escape through the chimney. Consider installing a fireplace draft stopper, which works like an inflatable pillow that is used to eliminate the draft whenever the fireplace is not in use.
  • Add insulation and air sealing in your attic and crawl spaces. You probably do not give these places a second thought because they’re not areas you and your family gather in. Often there are holes and drafts in your attic and crawl spaces that allow cold air into your home.  Seal all cracks between the attic and the living space below it. This will help prevent heat from transferring through the living space.

Don’t let your energy bills leave you feeling frosty this winter. Follow these tips to ensure your family will be comfortable and you will be saving on reduced heating costs. For more information on energy efficient heating, call about Mark Group’s Insulation Services today at 877-865-1997 and schedule your free in-home energy assessment.

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