Ideal Classroom Colors

May 16

As a teacher, the color of your classroom might not ever cross your mind. You’re probably more concerned with the educational posters and classroom artwork you hang on the walls, but did you know that the color of your classroom can have a huge impact on learning? Many studies state that color has a significant impact on a person’s mood. While the color of the classroom should not over-stimulate your students, you can use color as a tool that encourages a positive attitude to and inspire focus while at school. See what colors are perfect for classrooms!

  • Preschool & Grades K-5. These are the years when children are most active and extroverted, so the use of warm primary colors will complement your students’ enthusiastic personalities. Bright yellows, reds and blues help to stimulate young minds. Avoid creating too much commotion on the walls by carefully organize any posters or bulletins.
  • Grades 6-12. School studies are likely to become harder and more difficult for students as they get older, so cool colors are ideal for classrooms at these grade levels. Crisp, cool shades tend to be relaxing and improve focus and concentration. Beiges, pale greens and blues help older students stay motivated and help them to become more involved in their work with fewer distractions.
  • Although students spend the majority of their time in classrooms while at school, it’s important not to neglect the library’s color scheme. A library is another significant setting for learning. Pale greens are the perfect wall color, as they increase concentration levels and enhance quietness, thus creating the ultimate location for studying and attentiveness.

When it comes to accessorizing a classroom, be mindful of the impact the decor will have on students. Choose posters with colors that complement the wall paint so as to not overwhelm students. To create a functional classroom, it is essential to choose a color scheme that positively influences mood. Keep these color suggestions in mind when you paint your classroom to help shape the attitude for the duration of the school year. For more help with color selection, contact the experts at South Jersey painters.

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