Why You Should Have a Home Electrical Inspection

Aug 7

An electrical home inspection provides a complete evaluation of your home’s electrical system, ensuring that all electrical wires, breakers, outlets, and units meet the current electrical safety regulations. Below are a few reasons why you should have an electrical inspection completed.

Buying a Home

The electrical installation and its components should be looked at by a qualified electrician before you sign the dotted line for a new home. By having an electrician test the home’s electrical wiring and completing an electrical box inspection, you will know if you are buying the house for the correct price. You also do not want to move into a home with old wiring that is not up to code and could potentially be dangerous for you and your family.

The electrical systems checkup may also include looking at electrical outlets, large light fixtures, circuit breaker or your electrical panel depending on how large your home is. You also may want to make sure your carbon monoxide detectors, smoke alarms or smoke detectors are working correctly with new batteries to prevent failing the inspection as well as a future fire hazard.

Home Renovations

The configuration of your home’s electrical components could change when you complete a major renovation. Your home’s electrical should be large enough for the current size of your home, with room to spare in case you decide to add even more space. An electrical home inspection following a home renovation or redesign is especially beneficial if you are looking to sell your newly renovated home.

Older Home

A yearly electrical test of your older home can help make sure your electrical system is functioning correctly and is up to the current electrical safety standards. The electrical wiring of homes in the 21st century far excel those homes that were built and electrically wired in the early 1920s. Your older home’s electrical system may not be able to handle your current household’s electrical needs safely. An electrical inspection will help you know whether or not your existing home’s electrical unit is up to code and safe for your family.

A home inspector will enter the home and take a look at the overall condition of the house which includes but is not limited to the heating and air conditioning, interior plumbing, electrical systems, roof, attic, and floors. As well as the windows and doors, foundation, basement, the home’s structural components, and then provide a written report with the home’s inspection results.


Your current insurance provider could potentially ask for a home safety electrical inspection. This may happen when you are about to switch your insurance provider. You could also be asked for a home electrical check when you have been with the same insurance company for numerous years. This inspection may need to be completed from a licensed electrician within their network to make sure your home is a low risk.

A delayed electrical home inspection can have a hazardous outcome in the future if not addressed early on. By completing this electrical service, you will prevent future electrical problems and safety hazards. Don’t forget; a qualified and professional electrician should handle a home electrical inspection.

Written by Hannah Antonio, contributor of content for Southland Electrical

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