On behalf of Mother Nature, exterior home paint is subject to many beatings. As weather on the coasts tends to be a bit more extreme, beachfront estates or homes situated in any coastal region know all too well that severe weather can cause paint to fade or chip at a quicker rate than landlocked homes. Below are some tips on how to delay the decay of your coastal home’s exterior.
Buy Quality Paint: Let’s face it, regardless of your home’s locale, paint will always be temporary. While it is made to last, it will eventually need to be recoated. In reality, the natural ultraviolet rays of the sun begin to break down your home’s coat of paint the minute after application, and homes next to water, with minimal tree shading, are no exception. The rays from the sun are much stronger near large bodies of water, so it is ideal that you find the highest quality paint possible. You can typically find high quality paint in a variety of types and finishes, from acrylic to premium latex.
Complete Extra Prep: While this may be the most tedious of task, it is one of utmost importance, especially for homeowners of coastal properties. The truth is, when you approach prep work with lackadaisical efforts, you’re reducing the lifespan of your paint job. In preparing to paint your homes exterior, keep the surface free from wood or salt by properly washing and drying the surface. The best way to do this is by having your home pressure washed. Then, be sure to add the first coat of paint soon after the cleaning process so no salt or mildew is present. A final, finishing coat should come last to act as a last defense against the suns ultraviolet rays.
Paint The Proper Surface: The surface in which you apply the paint has just as much to do with the paint’s lifespan and durability as the actual paint itself does. Exterior painting projects work best with cedar. Besides being known to withhold any sort of sporadic weather event, cedar is also an extremely viable option to properly hold and maintain paint. Cedar will fail to crack or expand throughout weather and seasonal changes, channeling way less stress on the paint than your typical pine. Vinyl siding also works well for shore properties. With a proper paint job, the vinyl siding will not deteriorate from the salt-air environment or extreme weather conditions.
While weather elements are unavoidable, your paint will see its fair share of potential damage. Luckily, there are ways to prevent major damage to your exterior paint job. Follow these tips to get the look you want for your home’s exterior. For more help with exterior painting projects, contact the professionals at CertaPro Painters of Egg Harbor.